發佈日期 : 2010-08-15 最後更新日期 : 2025-02-17

張菁華 教授


電話:03-8903558  傳真: 03-8900161






A. 期刊論文

  1. C.H. Chang* and C.W. Ha,(2009), "Central Factorial Numbers and Values of Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials at Rationals ", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 30, 214 - 226.
  2. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2006), "A multiplication theorem for the Lerch zeta function and explicit representations of the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials", J. Math. Anal. Appl., 315, 758-767.
  3. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2006), "On identities involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials", Fibonacci Quarterly, 44, 39-45.
  4. C.H. Chang, (2003), "Norm inequalities of periodic functions and their derivatives", Arch. Math., 81, 327-334.
  5. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2002), "Eulerian polynomials and related explicit formulas", Fibonacci Quarterly, 40, 399-404.
  6. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2002), "The Green functions of a class of boundary value problems and thir traces", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimi. 23, 61-67.
  7. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2001), "On recurrence relations for Bernoulli and Euler numbers", Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 64, 469-474.
  8. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (2001), "The Green functions of some boundary value problem via the Bernoulli and Euler polynomials", Arch. Math., 76, 360-365.
  9. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1999), "Sharp inequalities of singular values of smooth kernels", Integral Equations Operator Theory, 35, 20-27.
  10. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1999), "On eigenvalues of differentiable positive definite kernels", Integral Equations Operator Theory, 33,1-7.
  11. C.H. Chang and C.W. Ha, (1998), "Bounds for the singular values of smooth kernels", Colloq. Math., 78, 319-324.
  12. .C.H. Chang and C.C. Lin, (1995), "Weighted L^2-multipliers", Rocky Mountain J. Math., 25, 927-934.

B. 研討會論文

  1. C.H. Chang "Explicit Representations of Derivative Polynomials for Tangent and Secant" Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCCU, Chiayi, December, 2009.
  2. C. H. Chang "The Green function of a simple boundary value problem and its trace ", Analysis Seminar, NDHU, Hualien, January, 2006.
  3. C. H. Chang "On identities involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials", International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications, R.O.C., NCUE, Chang-Hua, May, 2004.
  4. C. H. Chang "Norm inequalities of periodic functions and their derivatives", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCU, Chung-Li, December, 2003.
  5. C. H. Chang "Eulerian polynomials and related explicit formulas", Analysis Seminar, NCU, Chung-Li, October, 2002.
  6. C. H. Chang "The Green functions of a class of boundary value problems and their traces", Analysis Seminar, NSYSU, Kaoshiung, June, 2002.
  7. C. H. Chang "Recurrence for Bernoulli and Euler numbers", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., NCHU, Taichung, December, 2001.
  8. .C. H. Chang "On Gohberg-Krein inequality and application", Annual Meeting of Mathematical Society, R.O.C., FJU, Taipei, December, 1999.
研究室編號: 理A311
職稱: 教授
電話: 03-8903558
導師時間: TUE 13:10-15:00
導師姓名: 張菁華(Ching-Hua Chang)
教師姓名: 張菁華(Ching-Hua Chang)
研究領域: 古典、泛函分析
OfficeHour: TUE 15:10-17:00
班別: 大一:數學科學組