發佈日期 : 2010-06-27 最後更新日期 : 2025-02-18

吳建銘  教授


電話:03-8903531  傳真: 03-8900161







  1. Jiann-Ming Wu, Suo-An Wang, Siendong Huang., Quantizing Mackey-Glass-30 chaotic series and decoding sequential states based on manifold neural recursions, submitted to Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, Oct 2018.
  2. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chun-Chang Wu, Jia-Ci Chen, Yi-Ling Lin., Set-valued functional neural mapping and inverse system approximation, submitted to Neurocomputing, Jan 2016.
  3. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chun-Chang Wu, Jia-Ci Chen and Yi-Ling Lin, Set-valued neural mapping and inverse function, submitted to Frontiers in Computational  Neuroscience, 2014.
  4. Jiann-Ming Wu, Pei-Hsun Hsu and Cheng-Yuan Liou, Sudoku Associative Memory, Neural Networks, Volume 57, Pages 112–127, September, 2014. (SCI, IF: 2.076) (Computer Science IF 排名前20%期刊)
  5. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chun-Chang Wu and Ching-Wen Huang, Annealed cooperative-competitive learning of Mahalanobis-NRBF neural modules for nonlinear and chaotic differential function approximation, Neurocomputing Volume 136, 20 July 2014, Pages 56–70, 2014. (SCI, IF: 2.005) (Computer Science IF 排名前20%期刊)
  6. Jiann-Ming Wu, et al., Learning Potts perceptrons for blind deconvolution, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol. 52:1 pp10-23, 2014.
  7. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chun-Chang Wu, Ya-Wen Tsai, Density support analysis by adaptive thresholding and supervised neural approximation, submitted to Neurocomputing, 2013.
  8.  Jiann-Ming Wu and Pei-Hsun Hsu, Annealed Kullback-Leibler divergence minimization for generalized TSP, spot identification and gene sorting, Neurocomputing, Vol. 74, 2228-2240, JUNE, 2011. (SCI, IF: 2.005) (Computer Science IF 排名前20%期刊)
  9. Jiann-Ming Wu, Hsiao-Chang Chen, J.C. Wu, Pei-Hsun Hsu, Blind image deconvolution by neural recursive function approximation, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 69, pp 446-453, 2010.
  10. Jiann-Ming Wu, Fetal electrocardiogram extraction by annealed expectation maximization, Neurocomputing 71, pp 1500-1514, 2008. (SCI)
  11. Jiann-Ming Wu, Multilayer Potts perceptrons with Levenberg-Marquardt learning, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2008. (SCI)
  12. Jiann-Ming Wu, M.H. Chen, Lin Z.H., Independent component analysis based on marginal density estimation using weighted Parzen windows, accepted by Neural Networks, 2008. (SCI)
  13. Jiann-Ming Wu, Z.H. Lin and Pei-Hsun Hsu, Function approximation using generalized adalines, IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks,Vol.17 No.3, 541-558, MAY 2006. (SCI)
  14. Jiann-Ming Wu, Learning generative models of faithful density estimation and extraction of distributed statistical structures, revised for IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks,2005. (SCI)
  15. Jiann-Ming Wu and Zeng-Han Lin, Global and local feature extraction by natural elastic nets, IEICE Transaction on Information and systems E87D (9): 2267-2271, Sep 2004. (SCI)\
  16. Jiann-Ming Wu, Annealing by two sets of interactive dynamics, IEEE Trans. on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics 34 (3): 1519-1525, Jun 2004. (SCI)
  17. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lin Z.H., Learning generative models of natural images, Neural Networks, Vol.15, No. 3,337-347, APR 2002. (SCI)
  18. Jiann-Ming Wu, Natural discriminant analysis using interactive Potts models, Neural Computation, Vol. 14, No. 3, 689-713, MAR 2002. (SCI)
  19. Jiann-Ming Wu and Chiu S.J., Independent component analysis using Potts models, IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, Vol. 12, No. 2, March 2001. (SCI)
  20. Jiann-Ming Wu, Potts models with two sets of interactive dynamics, Neurocomputing 34, 55-77, 2000. (SCIE)
  21. Cheng-Yuang Liou and Wu Jiann-Ming,Self-organization using Potts models, Neural Networks, Vol.9, No.4, pp671-684, 1996.
  22. Cheng-Yuang Liou and Wu Jiann-Ming,Constructing a Vector Field to Accomplish Autonomous Navigation,Journal of Information Science and Engineering 12, 443-465, 1996.
  23. S.L. Lin , Wu Jiann-Ming, and Liou Cheng-Yuang,Annealing by perturbing synapses, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E750D, No. 2, 210-218, 1992.
  24. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lee J.Y., Tu Y.C., and Liou C.Y., Diagnoses for machine vibrations based on self-organization neural networks, The J. of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 4, 293-298, 1991.
  25. Cheng-Yuang Liou, Wu Jiann-Ming, and Lin S.L., Solving traveling salesman problems by annealed perturbation, Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N. T. U., No. 49, 1-17, July 1990.
  26. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lin C.H., Natural Elastic Nets for Faithful Representations, International Computer Symposium(ICS 2000) Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Taiwan, 2000.
  27. Jiann-Ming Wu, and Liou C.Y.,Incorporating elastic ring into Potts neural networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Nagoya, Japan, 1993.
  28. S.C. Lee, Wu Jiann-Ming, and Liou C.Y.,Sequential self-organization for the traveling salesman problem, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 1993.
  29. S.C. Lee, Wu Jiann-Ming, and Liou C.Y.,Sequential self-organization for the traveling salesman problem, Neural Networks Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 1992.
  30. Cheng-Yuang Liou, and Wu Jiann-Ming,Designing energy surface for truck back-upper problem, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Beijing, China, II493-498, 1992.
  31. K.P. Wang, Wu Jiann-Ming, and Liou C.Y.,Self-organization map for QAM communication, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Beijing, China, II493-498, 1992.
  32. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lee J.Y., Tu Y.C., and Liou C.Y.,Diagnoses for machine vibrations based on self-organization neural networks, International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instruments (IECON), Kobe, Japan, 1506-1511, 1991.
  33. K.P. Wang, Wu Jiann-Ming and Liou C.Y.,QAM communication by self-organization map, Workshop on Neural Networks, Taipei, Taiwan, 1991.


  1. Jiann-Ming Wu, Yu-Jie Lin., Unsupervised concurrent learning for large-scaled cortex-like mapping and 3D facial surface modeling, International Conference on Signal Information Processes inSingapore, Singapore ,Jul 6-9 2020.
  2. Jiann-Ming Wu, Shih-Hua Lee,. Convolutive independent component analysis by leave-one-out optimal kernel approximation. IMETI 2008, Orlando, Florida, United States of America, June 29-July 2, 2008.
  3. Jiann-Ming Wu, Nonlinear independent component analysis by learning generalized adalines, IJCNN 2007
  4. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lin Z.H, Liou C.Y., Faithful Reconstruction of orientation preference maps in visual cortex by learning gadaline networks, International symposium on cerebral cortical organization and function, Oct. 2005.
  5. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chia-Yi Lu, Cheng-Yuang Liou, Independent component analysis of correlated neuronal responses in area MT, The 12th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2005
  6. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lin Z.H., Liou C.Y., Formation and variability of orientation preference maps in visual cortex: an approach based on normalized Gaussian arrays, Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications , CNNA 2005.
  7. Jiann-Ming Wu and Lin C.H., Learning generative models of handwritten digit images, International Computer Symposium(ICS 2002), Taiwan, 2002.
  8. Jiann-Ming Wu, Lin C.H., Natural Elastic Nets for Faithful Representations, International Computer Symposium(ICS 2000), Taiwan, 2000.



  1. Jiann-Ming Wu, Chao-Yuan Tien., MatConvNet Deep Learning and IOS Mobile App Design for Pattern Recognition : Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global, Apr 2020.
  2.  Jiann-Ming Wu, Rong-Chao Ban and Chun-Chang Wu, Book Chapter: Tracking mean field dynamics by synchronous computations of recurrent multilayer perceptrons, Computational and Numerical Simulations (ISBN 980-953-307-1115-4) 2013.
  3. Jiann-Ming Wu, Pei-Hsun Hsu and Zheng-Han Lin, Book Chapter: 2 Learning multiple ICA modules for distributed and factorial neural representations, Neurocomputing: Learning, Architectures, and Modeling, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2011
  4. Pei-Hsun Hsu and Jiann-Ming Wu, Book: Function approximation using generalized adalines, VMD Verlag, March, 2010.


研究室編號: 理A426
職稱: 教授
電話: 03-8903531
導師時間: 未擔任導師
導師姓名: 吳建銘(Jiann-Ming Wu)
教師姓名: 吳建銘(Jiann-Ming Wu)
研究領域: 類神經網路、資訊技術應用
OfficeHour: MON & FRI 12:10-13:00
班別: 未擔任導師