發佈日期 : 2010-06-27 最後更新日期 : 2025-02-13

王家禮 教授


電話:03-8903515  傳真: 03-8900161






1.C-L. Wang, 2016, Some Recent Advances in Stochastic Simulation,Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 32,221 - 260. (CSCI)

2.C-L. Wang, 2016, On Socially Optimal Queue Length, Management Science, 62, 899-903. (SSCI)

3.W-Y. Lee, C-L. Wang, 2013, Conditional Sojourn Times of Processor-Sharing Queues, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 27, 99-114, (SCI)

4. C-L. Wang, R. W. Wolff, 2009, Loss Probability Properties in Retrial Queues, Operations Research Letters, 37, 47-50. (SCI)

5.C-L. Wang, R. W. Wolff, 2005, Work-Conserving Tandem Queues, Queueing System, 49,283-296.(SCI)

6.C-L. Wang, R. W. Wolff, 2005, New Estimators for Efficient GI/G/1 Simulation, Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences, 19, 221-241. (SCI)

7.C-L. Wang, R. W. Wolff, 2003, Efficient Simulation for Queues in Heavy Traffic, ACM TOMACS, 19, 62-81. (SCI)

8.R. W. Wolff, C.-L. Wang, 2003, Idle Period Approximations and Bounds for the GI/G/1 Queue, Advances in Applied probability, 35, 773-792.(SCI)

9.R. W. Wolff, C.-L. Wang, 2002, On the Convexity of Erlang Loss Probabilities, Journal of Applied Probability, 39, 402-406.(SCI)

10.C.-L. Wang, 2002, An Identity of the GI/G/1 Transient Delay and Its Applications, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 15, 17-34.(SCI)

11.C.-L. Wang, 1999, On the Transient Delays of M/G/1 Queues, Journal of Applied Probability, 36, 882-893.(SCI)

12.C.-L. Wang, R. W. Wolff, 1998, The M/G/c Queue in Light Traffic, Queueing Systems, 29, 17-34.(SCI)

13.C.-L. Wang, 1997, Light Traffic Approximations for Regenerative Queueing Processes, Advances in Applied probability, 29, 1060-1080.(SCI)

14.S. Asmussen, C.-L. Wang, 1996, Variance Reduction for Simulating Transient GI/G/1 Behavior, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 10, 197-205.(SCI)

15.S. Asmussen, R.Y. Rubinstein and C.-L. Wang, 1994, Estimating Rare Events via Likelihood Ratios, Journal of Applied Probability, 31,797-815.(SCI)

研究室編號: 理A406
職稱: 教授
電話: 03-8903515
導師時間: TUE 10:10-12:00
導師姓名: 王家禮(Chia-Li Wang)
教師姓名: 王家禮(Chia-Li Wang)
研究領域: 作業研究、排隊理論
OfficeHour: TUE 08:10-10:00
班別: 大四(含以上):數學科學組