【應數系演講】110-05-21 On Properties of Horadam Sequences (改線上進行)


專    題    演    講

主講人:陳光武 教授(臺北市立大學數學系)

講 題:On Properties of Horadam Sequences

時 間:110 年 05月 21日 (星期五) 15:00-17:00

地 點: meet.google.com/ryd-kwum-qdu (請提前10分鐘進場並將名稱顯示學號姓名以利點名)

摘  要

In this talk, we divide into four parts. We first introduce the Fibonacci nmbers F_n and some their interesting properties. Secondly, we extend the concept of the Fibonacci sequences to the Horadam sequences W_n. Thirdly, for any fixed numbers s, t, and k, we discuss the boundedness and periodicity of the sequence (gcd(W_(n + s), W_(n+k + t))). The final part we establish the tridiagonal matrix determinantal representations and their complex factorizations.

在這場演講中, 我們分為四大部份。首先介紹 Fibonacci 數列 Fn 及相關的有 趣性質。接著, 我們將 Fibonacci 數列的觀念延伸到 Horadam 數列 Wn。第三 部份, 我們將探討所謂的 shifted Horadam 數列的最大公因數所形成的數列, 其界限性質及週期性質。最後, 我們將建立 tridiagonal 矩陣行列式的表現方 式及其複數分解式。

Keywords: Fibonacci numbers; Horadam sequences; Tridiagonal matrices; Complex factorizations.



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