【應數系演講】109-10-16 On the derivative of L-functions of Elliptic curves


專    題    演    講



講 題:On the derivative of L-functions of Elliptic curves' Lemma

時 間:109 年 10月 16日 (星期五) 16:00-17:30

地 點:理工一館 A324 (大會議室)

摘  要

In 1980's, the p-adic Birch-Swinnertoner-Dyer conjecture is formulated by Mazur, Tate, and Teitelbaum to understand the arithmetic of elliptic curves in terms of their "p-adic L-functions". In this talk, we will talk about some special "excepational phenonenom" that appears in the p-adic setting.



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時間: 16:00-17:30
地點: 理工一館A324(大會議室)
演講日期: 109年10月16日